Denebola (Beta Leonis), a bright star, and 93 Leonis, a very faint star. Uthram represented by the back legs of a bed, which signify relaxation and rejuvenation, but is less comfort-oriented than Pooram (Purva Phalguni). Uthram also incorporates the preparation for returning to work after a resting period. Aryaman, the God of patronage and kindness, is the ruling deity who gives Uthram a civilized and cultured approach to life. People under this star are noble reliable and generous. They are quite concerned with helping others and adhere to proper social etiquette. The ruling planet is the Sun, who gives qualities of radiance, prosperity, charity and benevolence to Uthram. This star has the ability to formulate creative expression and develop opinions. People born under Uthram are self reliant, independent and attempt to create their own path in society. This Nakshatra can have a cruel and harsh energy, but ultimately this intensity brings honor and balance. Uthram is a star of compassion and friendship.