In the densely forested area on the bank of Mandakini there is a rock known as Sphatik Shila, where Lord Rama used to bathe in the Mandakini River.The rock has a few places painted in orange indicating Lord Rama's footprint and the sitting place of His wife, Sita..
‘Sphatik’ is a Sanskrit word sense a gemstone. There is a huge rock resembling a reddish-white crystal, about 1 Km. away from Janaki-kund on the left bank of the Mandakini. Sri Ram and JanakiJi used to rest here perhaps while going to and coming from the Atri Ashram.
Once, Jayant, the son of Indra pecked at the feet of Sita Maa to test the might of Sri Ram. Thereupon, Ram, sitting in the veerasan stance, at large a grass as an arrow at him. Jayant could not locate anybody who could defend him against this grass-arrow and finally required protection with Lord Ram himself, who pardoned him after taking one of his eyes as castigation. The rock bears the foot prints of Sri Ram, SitaJi and Jayant.