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Lal kitab remedies For Rahu in 4th House

(1) Wear silver.
(2) Float 400 grams or 1 kilogram of coriander for a continuous 7 Wednesdays.
(3) Take bath in the Ganga at Haridwar.
(4) There should be no logging of dirty water within the premises of your house.
(5) Your kitchen should not be situated right at the foot of the steps leading to the terrace or
roof or the upper floor.
(6) Get the complete house constructed all at once and not in phases.
(7) Do not keep fuels like coal etc on the terrace.
(8) Pray to Goddess Saraswati.
(9) Wear agate.
(10) Do not consume tabacoo.
(11) Do not generate smoke either in your house or the veranda.

(12) Do not be a false witness.