Balav karana



In astrology when a date is divided into two then 2 Karanas are formed. It can be said that one Tithi is formed by joining two Karanas. One Karana is formed by first half of the day and the second Karana is formed by the later half of the day. One Chandra Paksha has 14 dates and the second Chandra Paksha also has 14 dates. There are also Purnima and Amavasya. All combine together to make a moon month. 
Half part of Tithi is called Karana. There are 30 days which make 60 Karana. But, in astrology,  only 11 Karana are counted which are repeated in the rest over days. 
Balava Karana makes the person religious. He will have faith in God and he will seek the path of success through spirituality and pilgrimage. He will achieve good education and good wealth. That’s why he will live a pleasant life.