In the year 2000, a prominent & visionary community member got inspired by a swami of Udipi to start up a Hindu temple in Phoenix metro area. With the passage of some time, more community members got together and the first election of Hindu Temple of Arizona was held in September 2000. There were 11 Board of Directors elected in that election. The name of Hindu Temple of Arizona was registered and a non-profit status under the 501c3 was received in May 2000. There were five sub-committees established during this time. These committees included constitution & bylaws, fund-raising, site-selection, communications, and a building committee. It was about the time to get the entire metro Phoenix community involved along with the Board of Directors to craft a vision of the upcoming traditional Hindu Temple that will meet the needs of the community. The synergy and the sentiments of the community were translated into a nicely crafted vision statement of the Temple. The vision statement is:
"Build and maintain a Hindu Temple in Arizona, with multiple deities, with Shri Venkataeshwara, Shri Radha Krishna and Shri Ram Parivar as main deities with equal prominence, built per Hindu traditions."