Krishna Ji is a Hindu deity, 8th avatar of Lord Vishnu. Krishna is often described and portrayed as an infant or young boy playing a flute or as a youthful prince giving direction and guidance as in the Bhagavad Gita.
The Sanskrit word in its origin language Krishna Ji is primarily an adjective meaning "black" or "dark", sometimes it is also translated as "all attractive". So, not only is Krishna all-powerful and all-knowing, He’s also the most beautiful Person.
Shri Krishna Ji appeared over five thousand years ago in Mathura, dist of state UP (India) to Devaki and Vasudeva in the jail of Kansa. Kansa was the king of Mathura and Mama (metrnal uncle) of the Lord Krishna .The place of His birth is known as Shri Krishna Janm Bhumi.
Krishna Ji belonged to the Vrishni clan of Yadavas from Mathura, and was the eighth son born to the princess Devaki, and her husband Vasudeva. Krishna Ji was born in the Rohini Nakshatra and simultaneously Goddess Durga was born as Yogamaya in Gokul to Nanda and Yashoda.
Since Vasudeva knew Krishna's life was in danger, Krishna Ji was secretly taken out of the prison cell to be raised by his foster parents, Yasoda and Nanda, in Gokula.
In his Bhagavad-gita, Shri Krishna Ji promises: "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion at that time I descend Myself. To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear milleniumm after millenium."
Historically, Shri Krishna Ji appeared on the midnight of the 8th day of the dark half of the month of Sravana. This corresponds to July 19th 3228 BC. He exhibited His pastimes for a little over 125 years and dissappeared on February 18th 3102 BC on the new moon night of Phalguna. (His departure marks the beginning of the current age of corruption known as Kali.)